Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Teen Stars On DVD

| April 23, 2008

It’s A Brick . . . . . . House

On the second and fourth Sundays each month Antioch’s Brickhouse (750 Rt. 173) turns all-ages for folks in Lake, McHenry, and Kenosha counties. Picking out the gems, the venue assembled a DVD and now they’re having a release party!

Bucking the Sunday trend, on Saturday, April 26th at 7 p.m. (technically in the Tower Room Banquet Hall upstairs) a critiquing panel will write down pointers for the young bands as the DVD plays. Then everyone has a laugh and goes bowling in the adjoining Antioch Bowling Lanes. (Just kidding, but they would if they were Camper Van Beethoven fans.)

For more information, e-mail

Steve Forstneger

Category: News, Weekly

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