Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

El Perro Del Mar Reviewed . . . Again

| February 28, 2007

El Perro Del Mar
El Perro Del Mar
(Control Group)

Between helpings of crow, El Perro Del Mar’s self-titled debut redeems itself upon repeated listens.

Back in November, I wrote this album was mired in self misery and opaquely cast, so distant and unapproachable I offered to put her, Sarah Assbring, out of her misery. What didn’t figure into my judgement was how abrubt a departure it was from her fellow Swedes: The garage rock revival left me expecting, perhaps, more immediate results. Or maybe my head was just up my ass.

Either way there’s a need to redress and reassess. As opposed to a coldly dressed Tin Pan/Spector-esque pasting, the album now feels shy and desperate β€” blame this all on the iPod, whose β€œShuffle” never forgets β€” and uniquely disconsolate. The muted horns (synths?) on β€œPeople” mirror Assbring’s sunken emotions, bursting with pain but unable to find someone to listen to its articulation. I do still think there are too few colors used on the canvass, but now the pops in her voice when she sings β€œYou gotta give to get back” sound more sincere than I could have possibly imagined.


β€” Steve Forstneger

Appearing: March 6th at Lakeshore Theater in Chicago.

Click here to copy β€œGod Knows.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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