RIP Bob Wiggins
IE would like to extend our sympathies to the family and friends of Bob Wiggins, who passed away on the night of September 22nd.

Wiggins was probably best known by Chicagoland musicians from his days working at the Roselle Music, where he was an expert when it came to all things PA related. Wiggins was also a founding member of Chicago classic rock band Stormcrow and in the past played in the country act White Buffalo. According to an e-mail IE received from Wiggins’ longtime friend Len Fogerty, Wiggins left his job at Savage Entertainment in West Dundee early on the 22nd not feeling well. After returning from a trip to the store Wiggins’ mother, whom he lived with, found him dead. We don’t know Wiggins’ confirmed cause of death, but Fogerty did mention Wiggins could only play out two times a week because of his reactions to smoky clubs.
“Bob will be missed,†Fogerty said. “Many, many bands rely on him for sound, help with their band direction, and [he] had years and years of musical experience.†Wiggins was 56-years old.
— Trevor Fisher
Bob was one special guy & when it came down to sound reinforcement you couldn’t get better advice. Rock on Bob you will be missed old friend!!
In 1973 I took guitar lessons for about a year from Bob at Roselle Music. He was a great guy and became friends with myself and my father. My father became ill with cancer and died rather quickly. I was 13. During my dads illness, Bob came to my house in Schaumburg a couple of times a week to give me lessons and jam with me. No charge. We’d play for an hour or so each time. This went on for several months. One day, he showed up with a ’69 SG that he and Lyle Gillman agreed to sell to me for $150. I kept the guitar for several months until a relative eventually bought it for me as an 8th grade graduation gift. I still have the guitar. I’m an avid player. And I owe it to Bob. Thanks.
I remember Bob as a friend and a guy
that would help out the little guy.
Always willing to work out a deal.
Always had time to explain how thing’s worked.
He was simply a great man,and he will be missed by many.
He is one of those men that
cannot be replaced!!
A mainstay at roselle music,
and as far as I believe, a mainstay in the
in the music industry!!
I first saw Bob and Stormcrow in 1974 at my Junior High School dance. I was so impressed, it made an impression I still remember today!
In my early days (1977) Bob and Rick would come see our live shows. After one show Bob lent us some horns for our very bad sound system. He always helped us out. (Northern Starr).
Later, Bob taught me how to set up and use professional sound systems and I went on to doing live sound engineering and multitrack recording.
Bob was always there along the way.
greatest PA guy ever. Always listening to some kid (me) and always nice and ready to take my money or fuel my dream. Funny, I am in the same profession! RIP Mr. R&R