Popsicle go the weasals
Diamond Nights
Now we have time to step back from the winking, ultra-glam nonsense brought on by The Darkness and Louis XIV, we can see where Diamond Nights fit.
Appearing: May 7th at Subterranean in Chicago.

Popsicle, based on “Needle In The Rice,” could be Queens Of The Stone Age approximating “Hot For Teacher.” “Destination Diamonds” and “Snakey Ruth” are hewn from T. Rex’s knowing glance. Maybe in a couple years Morgan Phalen will look back on Popsicle, specifically “The Girl’s Attractive” and “A Kiss To Tell,” and wonder why he embellished his vocals so much, aware his band was kicking ass without him. As party rock goes, Diamond Nights deserve their nods. But if it’s a career they seek, they might want to read up on Slade and Sweet history. Otherwise Popsicle will be where they started to suck.
— Steve Forstneger