Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Demiricous CD Review

| January 25, 2006

(Metal Blade)

Slayer songs are hard to learn, so we can see why Demiricous is proud to play them.

Atonal, E-rooted riffing with jackhammer precision, chromatic soloing, ineffectual bass guitar . . . each is an integral element to Demiricous’ Metal Blade debut, or at least as much as “Raining Blood,” “War Ensemble,” or “Angel Of Death” (all packed into “Beyond Obscene”) are. Nate Olp’s hoarse scream is the most clear-cut difference, but with so many similarities, it’s obvious originality isn’t Demiricous’ top priority. The idea behind One — not just a harmless title, Metallica fans — is a return to thrash’s roots and the punk/hardcore inferno most metal bands ignore. A better tribute would be to do something with their influences, an oversight they shouldn’t make again.


— Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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