Kevin Bacon Q&A

IE: This is more of an informal thing. We’re not gonna ask you any technical things, like recording techniques. So, how did you decide where to place the microphones?
Kevin Bacon: We tried to put the mikes close enough to hear the music, but not so close that they would pick up anything incriminating. By the way why are they called “mikes” and not “kevins”?
IE: At what point did playing music stop being a basement joke and become a viable way to spend time with Michael and become The Bacon Brothers?
KB: As soon as we stepped onstage and asked people to spend their hard-earned entertainment dollars to listen to us it was no longer a “basement joke.”
IE: Do you feel as though you’ve earned your stripes yet?
KB: One can never stop trying to earn ones stripes.
IE: Given the chance to tour anonymously in a Chevy Astro with a budget of $20 per day, how long ’til you cave in?
KB: We have considered touring anonymously, but it means that we can’t get hotel upgrades.
IE: What’s the worst fight the pair of you been in, Michael vs. Kevin?
KB: We have never been in a fight.
IE: Do you, as a pair, have a nickname a la Toxic Twins, Tweedle Dee/Dum, Hanson?
KB: Our nickname is “the slimmer twins” [not actually true].
IE: Were you really in a band called Footloose, or is that bullshit?
KB: Yes I was in a band called Footloose that eventually became a band called Chet Brown & Footloose.
IE: What musical influences do you have that no one ever picks up on?
KB: I was very influenced by Joni Mitchell , but guys don’t like to admit that.
IE: Your father, who I’m sorry to hear passed away recently, was obviously a huge influence for you both. What did he think of the band?
KB: Our father was a fan of pretty much everything his kids did.
The Bacon Brothers’ White Knuckles is available now on Forosoco Records.
— *Steve Forstneger*