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Long Live Vinyl

Archive for December, 2005

Cover story: Mancow

Cover story: Mancow

| December 30, 2005

The World According To Mancow The Merchandise Mart is bustling with business long before many people’s alarms have gone off. People in smart suits populate the various stores and restaurants — cutting deals, spending money. In Q101’s headquarters on the second floor, a flurry of activity makes what’s going on outside its doors seem pretty […]

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Veruca Salt Returns

Veruca Salt Returns

| December 30, 2005 | 9 Comments

Veruca Salt Saline Solutions “I love the Entertainer!” exclaims Louise Post by phone from her current home in Los Angeles. “I used to read it every month. It’s such an honor to have a feature in there. I’m really psyched. You guys have always been behind us, and it’s really awesome because, you know, we’re […]

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Allister feature

Allister feature

| December 30, 2005 | 5 Comments

Allister Bent, Not Broken A mere three months after Allister’s sophomore album was released in 2002, the quartet lost half of their members, leaving the group without a drummer or guitarist. The Chicago-based outfit were forced to either end the band or search for replacements.

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Siegel Schwall Interview

Siegel Schwall Interview

| December 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

The Siegel-Schwall Band Talkin’ Corky & Jim Blues It’s hard to imagine Ginger Baker sparking the Cream reunion by calling up Eric Clapton saying, “Look, I have this new tape recorder and need a band to test it out.” It’s not exactly what coaxed The Siegel-Schwall Band back into the studio, but it’s close. While […]

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The Living Blue

The Living Blue

| December 30, 2005 | 3 Comments

The Living Blue Back In Blue “I love indie music, even though I think a lot of younger bands are using the indie rock tag to get away with sloppiness. But that’s all right. We were there, too. I think a true indie musician is one who stays true to themselves. It just takes a […]

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Michael Anthony Q&A

Michael Anthony Q&A

| December 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

Hello, My Name Is Michael IE: You’ve just released the third and fourth entries into your line of Mad Anthony sauces. What started this? Michael Anthony: I like to cook, but, you know, the rappers are all doing clothes, so I can’t. Might as well do the sauce. I’ve always loved hot sauce, and through […]

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Lene Lovich Q&A

Lene Lovich Q&A

| December 30, 2005 | 3 Comments

Hi, My Name Is Lene IE: Your new album, Shadows And Dust, is infused with supernatural themes. Lene Lovich: We deal with the real world everyday. It gets a little tedious [laughs]. I’ve always been interested in unnatural and spooky things. I’m not really so much into horror for the sake of people dying and […]

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Ike Reilly: Death Becomes Him

Ike Reilly: Death Becomes Him

| December 30, 2005 | 1 Comment

In another life, Chicago roots rocker Ike Reilly probably hung around the gallows, or maybe that’s his cameo as the gravedigger in Hamlet, irreverently framing the differences between the quick and the dead. From nowhere else could songs like “What A Day” come.

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| December 30, 2005 | 1 Comment

Wal-Mart — The High Cost Of Low Prices Bravenew Films Word of advice to small business owners: If you find out a Wal-Mart is coming to your town, start scanning to figure out what your next career path is going to be.

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Three Generations Of The Blues

Three Generations Of The Blues

| December 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

The ’60s meet the new millennium with new releases by icons B.B. King, Otis Rush, and the Chicago Blues Reunion.

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Studio News

Studio News

| December 30, 2005 | 1 Comment

At STUDIOCHICAGO in Chicago, Paris Delane worked on his first solo album, The Learning Tree, which is being co-produced by Gene Wolf . . . Mr. Blotto were in the studio recording their fifth studio album; Chuck Kawal engineered . . . India pop sensation Reggie Benjamin worked with Bob DiFazio on new songs for […]

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If You Tape It They Will Come

If You Tape It They Will Come

| December 30, 2005 | 1 Comment

People spent years waiting for a chance to sit in the “Bozo’s Circus” studio audience. Parents requested tickets to Bozo before their children were even born — and all for the chance to win Archway cookies and a Schwinn bicycle in the Grand Prize Game.

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Like A Mouse

Like A Mouse

| December 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

MICE TECHNOLOGIES Mobius Media Suite Naperville’s MICE Technologies believe you’re only using half the potential of your computer and software when you’re using only one mouse with music programs like ProTools and Ableton Live. They’ve created their own bi-manual software programs that allows a musician to use two input devices (mice/track pads) independently, recreating tasks […]

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Flowers For Algeria

Flowers For Algeria

| December 30, 2005 | 0 Comments

It’s not easy to be a singer in Arabic countries, you really have to prove yourself,” says Algerian singer and guitarist Souad Massi. For a Muslim woman who wears jeans, doesn’t cover her head, and dares to perform frowned upon Western genres such as hard rock, that’s somewhat of an understatement. Then again, understatement seems […]

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Local CD Reviews

Local CD Reviews

| December 30, 2005 | 1 Comment

Bipolar is the latest LP from American Heritage, a Chicago collective that has weathered various lineup and label changes throughout its history. The band’s Escape Artist Records debut includes both new material and some previously unreleased tracks. American Heritage uses an onslaught of technical guitar work and odd time signatures to craft its math rock […]

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