Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Tag: Mud Morganfield

Studiophile: April 2012

Studiophile: April 2012

| March 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Scott Lucas is best known as the singer/guitarist for the two-man, Chicago rock band Local H. But recently, he has broadened his musical scope and greatly expanded his lineup, pulling together a collective of musicians

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Sweet Home: March 2012

Sweet Home: March 2012

| February 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

The legacy of Muddy Waters looms over Chicago blues with a vivid, unforgettable presence that serves as the standard for what defines the genre. Appearing: March 31st at Buddy Guy’s Legends with The Chicago Blues Angels and Eddie Taylor Jr. From his swaggering vocals to the fierce slide-guitar riffs that electrified the blues, there are […]

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