Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Stage Buzz: Art Alexakis at S.P.A.C.E. Evanston

| October 4, 2019

Art Alexakis and Everclear defined the post-grunge ’90s where melodies were king, and dirty guitars were toned downed mercifully down to manageable, yet filthy levels. Singles “I Will Buy You A New Life” and “Santa Monica” are practically genres unto them themselves, which are not only benchmarks for melodic rock in the Friends-era but the golden age of alt-rock radio.

Alexakis has thankfully embraced the nostalgia of the times (why ignore it?) while still making new music – which gives him a leg up over his peers by giving his fans the best of both worlds.

Today Alexakis has left the partying behind while he manages a medical condition (Multiple Sclerosis) without extra fanfare (“My neurologist says as long as I stay on the medication, I should live into my 80’s without progression. We shall see,” he told fans this spring), focusing on his first solo album, Sun Songs.

Alexis is giving fans a rare intimate performance at SPACE in Evanston this Tuesday, October 8, which promises Everclear classics and new music. For tickets, visit, or click on the link.

-David Gedge

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