Photo Gallery: Pitchfork Music Festival 2018 – Day Three
The Twitter feed for Pitchfork said that the gates were being held on Day Three for “weather reasons.” That meteorological anomaly was actually better known as Ms. Lauryn Hill. Sunday’s headliner insisted that the park be closed during her afternoon sound check, leaving early arrivals to loiter about on the Ashland Avenue sidewalk.
Her soundcheck went so long in fact, it forced hometown act Nnamdi Ogbonnaya, making a Pitchfork debut, to cut his performance short. But the weather was perfect and the remainder of the day was filled will performances from Irreversible Entanglements, Kweku Collins, Kelly Lee Owens, Ravyn Lenae, Japanese Breakfast, Smino, Noname, DRAM and Chaka Khan. And to end the 2018 version of the Pitchfork Music Festival, Lauryn Hill actually honored her commitment to perform and was only a mere 23 minutes late on her start time. Until next year….
Words and Photos – Curt Baran
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Chaka Khan
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Lauryn Hill
- Irriversabile Entanglements
- Irreversabile Entanglements
- Irreversabile Entanglements
- Irreversabile Entanglements
- Irreversabile Entanglements
- Irreversabile Entanglements
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanese Breakfast
- Kweku Collins
- Kweku Collins
- Kweku Collins
- Kweku Collins
- Nnadmi Ogbonnanya
- Nnadmi Ogbonnanya
- Nnadmi Ogbonnanya
- Noname
- Noname
- Noname
- Noname
- Noname
- Noname
- Noname
- Ravyn Lanae
- Ravyn Lanae
- Ravyn Lanae
- Ravyn Lanae
- Ravyn Lanae
- Ravyn Lanae
- Smino
- Smino
- Smino
- Smino
- Smino
- Smino
Category: IE Photo Gallery