Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Stage Buzz: Their / They’re / There

| December 13, 2013


Put three of Chicago’s bummedest dudes on stage together and what do you get? Piss and vinegar, of course.

Conceived by Midwestern gloom gods Mike Kinsella (Owen), Evan Weiss (Into It. Over It.) and Matthew Frank (Loose Lips Sink Ships), Their / They’re / There plays a brand of low-fi emo that’s peppier than its members’ main gigs combined. While the band’s sophomore EP Analog Weekend dons the same frenetic meterlessness and open-tuned twinkling of Owen/IIOI/Ships, it does so with stripped-down urgency (it doesn’t hurt that the thing was recorded directly to tape in a single weekend).

Though Their / They’re / There is technically a side project for Kinsella, Weiss, and Frank (don’t call it a super-group), it seems to be sating each one’s base musical need to shelve the solo project and make with the rocking out. Watch them do just that at Schubas this Sunday.(Who knows? With Mike Kinsella on drums, we could even see some of this.)

Sunday, December 15 @ Schubas. $14

Matt Pollock

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