Lovers Lane
WCSF Rummage Sale

Stage Buzz: Atlas Genius

| September 30, 2013


Atlas Genius is the kind of band that eludes even the most attentive indie music bloggers. Birthed in the globe’s farthest-off basements and garages (say, Adelaide, South Australia) these acts dodge the skein of secret shows and comment wars that is America’s musical underground, playing music fest after music fest until, all of a sudden, boom: they’ve blown up FM radio before Pitchfork could stream one measly track. This was more or less the case with Atlas Genius’ last visit to Chicago, when, at one p.m. on day one of the talent-stacked Lollapalooza 2013, a hundred thousand devout festies poured into Millennium Park and danced their asses off to the Aussies’ breezy synth pop. Though the band’s seemingly instant materialization had American music journos scratching their heads all weekend long (although fans of Q87.7 knew better), that didn’t make Atlas Genius’ Chicago debut any less fun. You can bet they’ll deliver the same zest at House of Blues this October 1—though, this time, they won’t have the sun on their side.

(Tuesday @ House of Blues – $32)

– Matt Pollock

Category: Featured, Stage Buzz, Uncategorized, Weekly

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