Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Studiophile: September 2013

| August 31, 2013


Pezband At Pieholden

After reforming at the HoZac Blackout Festival at Empty Bottle in May, cult power-pop combo Pezband (current members are Mimi Betinis, John Pazdan and Mick Rain), tracked new songs at Ukrainian Villages’ PIEHOLDEN SUITE SOUND. Pezband’s escapades filled the pages of IE over 30 years ago and the band released several acclaimed pre-wave pop records with some decent success.

They also shared a roster for a time with Billboard charting power-poppers Off Broadway.

According to the folks at the Chicago Reader, Pezband recently recorded a new track “Fab Girlfriend” and a cover of Billy Boy Arnold‘s “I Wish You Would,” made famous by the Yardbirds (a Pezband live standard). Pieholden co-owner and engineer Robbie Hamilton says the band plans to release and record new material soon.

According to Pezband’s Facebook page they are touring Japan in October (they are big in Japan) and they are “guaranteeing a new single (and maybe a lot more) of new material before the year runs out.”

Singer-songwriter Jake Henkel is recording and mixing his upcoming CD release at ARC STUDIOS in Antioch with Mark Dooley and Andrew Dooley engineering and producing.

Chicago-based IV LAB is moving from their former lovely Sheridan Road digs. We received this dispatch from IVL’s Jay Marino: “4022 N. Sheridan has been very good to us for the last 10 years, but we’re moving on up! We are very excited to announce that we are in the process of moving to an amazing new studio space. More details and pictures are coming very soon. We would like to thank all the bands that have made great music at 4022, stay tuned for more details.” Additional news will be available in next month’s Studiophile.

At STONECUTTER RECORDING STUDIOS in Chicago, Ariada (formerly known as The Outfit), finished vocal tracks on their debut EP produced by Chris Steinmetz. Stonecutter arranger Carey Deadman brought in a bevy of hornplayers add another creative layer to Ariada’s album…Deadman has been in the studio recording tracks with The Walking Deadmen…doo-wop punk band Private Instigators began recording their new album. Chicago’s SuperBig has also been working with Steinmetz tracking some new songs in the studio.

At BOBDOG STUDIOS in Oak Park Cedes Buck returned to add vocals for her upcoming EP. Don Candu added backing vocals tracked new songs for finishing his multi-song project. Local bluegrass fiddler and music teacher Mike Kasey recorded three songs with banjo and acoustic guitar as the audio portion of an instructional book/CD. Vernam Cipher enlisted the bass guitar work of BDS owner Bill Kavanagh on tracks recorded at Jim Peterik’s (Survivor, Ides Of March) WORLD STAGE INTERNATIONAL studio in Burr Ridge…Dead Sea Squirrels edited songs and Dale Schenekl added lead guitar for their debut CD….Mac Woods, aka Earl Sweetwater, returned to work on remixes of original songs. added backing vocals.

Hey Studiophiler: To get your studio or band listed in “Studiophile,” just email info on who you’re recording or who’s recording you to, subject Studiophile, or fax (773) 751-5051. We reserve the right to edit submissions for space. Deadline for October 2013 issue is September 15.


Category: Columns, Featured, Monthly, Studiophile

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