Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Everyday Is Halloween: October 6th

| October 6, 2011

Do an image search for Ozzy Osbourne — even add the word “costume” — and 9 out of 10 results have him in modern priest/undertaker garb with his Purple Rain glasses and long, cross necklace. No Bark At The Moon? No Diary Of A Madman?

Ozzy Osbourne’s descent into bumbling self-parody has almost – but not completely – swept away the memory that he once bit the head off a dove in a room full of record executives. (And, later, a bat.) Even when codifying heavy metal with Black Sabbath, he was never quite insidious enough to keep the word clown from preceding his “Prince Of Darkness” sobriquet. But by offering the occasional glimpse of crazy, we know Sharon will never be in full control.


Category: Features, Monthly

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