Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Dem post-Grammy blues, Mama

| February 17, 2011

The trouble with the Grammys is they’re on a Sunday, so your week doesn’t even start before it’s wiped out with the seismic, cultural revolution that is this annual broadcast.

That’s to say nothing about those of use with a loading dock full of bootleg Eminem T-shirts and caps that were supposed to sell like hotcakes after a big night. No wonder Jewel was empty today. It’s Thursday — the weekly food circulars take effect today and the aisles were empty. Thanks, friggin’ Arcade Fire.

But the weekend is nigh, and we’ve had ample time to recuperate. What better way than to head back to your rootsy, spiritual beginnings (drivin’ up on Nazareth) than with Southeast Engine? The group’s origins are in Appalachian Ohio, and next month’s Canary rues America’s constant degradation of its natural beauty. Calling on The Band’s first couple albums, hints of Bonnie “Prince” Billy, and local folklore, it’s a sparkling sister to Ben Sollee & Daniel Martin Moore’s Dear Companion. (Saturday@Schubas with Royal Pines.)

There’s also a little band we put on our cover last month playing a secondary slot at House Of Blues on the 20th, and a big-time indie-rock reunion for which we’re offering free tickets.

— Steve Forstneger


Category: Featured, Stage Buzz, Weekly

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