Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Archive for January, 2011

Sweet Home: January 2010

Sweet Home: January 2010

| January 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

A New Kind Of Kinds James Kinds‘ voice cackles with the sweat of the Mississippi delta and the grit of Chicago’s West Side. It’s the kind of voice that can translate heady emotion with a quick shift of tone.

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Around Hear: January 2011

Around Hear: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Local Band Reviews Where some faith-based acts shroud their lyrics in metaphor to broaden their appeal, DeKalb’s Fue instead blanket their brooding alt-pop in mystery.

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Media: January 2011

Media: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 7 Comments

Blast From The Past: Triad Magazine I recently scoured local record stores for 7-inch vinyl with Grinderman drummer Jim Sclavunos — who found plenty of records to play at the band’s L.A. after-party.

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Digital Divide: January 2011

Digital Divide: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Inception Fox Home Video According to the literary and Tinsel-town adage, there are only seven plot lines with which to work. If you take this logic as absolute, then once you’ve seen a film with one of these individual stories, you’ve seen them all.

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Studiophile: January 2011

Studiophile: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 2 Comments

AVM Meets Joe South When AVM co-founder and vocalist Robert Mackey decided he wanted to add a remade version of “Hush” to the band’s new CD, A Matter Of Time, he decided on whim to contact the original songwriter of the Deep Purple ’60s classic, Joe South, to ask permission.

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Gear: January 2011

Gear: January 2011

| January 3, 2011 | 0 Comments

Rock Lock Company The Rock Lock If you constantly worry about your guitar getting stolen from the stage, then entrepreneur Chris Goulet thinks a lot like you. While in college, he had a pretty good idea when he sketched out a drawing for a way to lock up his guitar after his roommate “borrowed” it […]

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Chuck Berry’s aborted New Year’s show

Chuck Berry’s aborted New Year’s show

| January 2, 2011 | 1 Comment

Photographer Tim Hiatt was shooting Chuck Berry’s rare, local appearance on New Year’s Day, a gig that was cut short when the rock legend slumped over his keyboard and couldn’t continue. Click for photos.

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