Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Tub Ring preview

| August 27, 2010

The Internet invites laziness but also makes life harder for procrasinators. Answers to problems (how to get that funk off the stove top, your dentist’s phone number) are a search engine away. And then there’s music.

So many times at the Entertainer we’re asked if we know a certain artist and we say, “Know the name, not the music.” It’s not an excuse anymore. And so we got to know Tub Ring.

Well, no one really gets to know Tub Ring. The Chicago-based band have been knocking around for awhile now and for some reason we thought they were metal. Sort of. “Eclectic” doesn’t begin to describe it. Then we plunged: visited Myspace, sampled, tasted, were delighted. It’s like Faith No More’s been in our backyard all along. So The End Records sent us their new Secret Handshakes, and we like them even more. We still only know the name but can’t really describe the sound. There’s some galactic Queen things going on. Maybe some Modest Mouse. We also learned how to clean the tub, so that’s a bonus too. (Saturday@Subterranean with Dr. Killbot, Dr. Manhattan, and Mose Giganticus. Also 9/2 at Otto’s in DeKalb.)

— Steve Forstneger


Category: Featured, Stage Buzz, Weekly

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