Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Archive for October, 2009

Yo La Tengo live!

Yo La Tengo live!

| October 7, 2009 | 1 Comment

Vic, Chicago Tuesday, October 6, 2009 As the Hoboken-based indie-rock veterans Yo La Tengo cruised through “Sugarcube” Tuesday night, it was hard not to think of the song’s video and think that this band still haven’t learned to rock properly.

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Riot Fest preview

Riot Fest preview

| October 7, 2009 | 0 Comments

Riot Fest weekend shifts into seventh gear tonight as NOFX headline Congress Theatre and Dead Milkmen bring out the Punk Rock Girls at Metro. Beat Kitchen, Subterranean, and Cobra Lounge will also don Riot gear.

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Japandroids preview

Japandroids preview

| October 7, 2009 | 0 Comments

Schubas, Chicago October 9 + 10, 2009 Nearly 20 years ago, Mac McCaughan adenoidally howled “Slack Motherfucker” above a din that was only just being recognized as indie rock. He, on Superchunk’s essential single, was chiding a lazy, fellow Kinko’s employee. Japandroids, using two mouths to pierce essentially the same din, are now singing about […]

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Lou Barlow preview

Lou Barlow preview

| October 7, 2009 | 0 Comments

Vic, Chicago Thursday, October 15, 2009 Lou Barlow’s inability to get a song in edgewise for J. Mascis Band, a.k.a. Dinosaur Jr., led to both his ouster and some fantastic sides for his burgeoning Sebadoh project. After some songs spent blasting Mascis, becoming Folk Implosion, ditching Sebadoh, going “solo” . . . he’s back in […]

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