Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Nocturnal Fear

| December 17, 2008

Nocturnal Fear
Metal Shaker, Chicago
Saturday, December 20, 2008


On the back of the promotional copy of Nocturnal Fear’s Code Of Violence, Moribund Records describes the Detroit band as “the ultimate in modern U.S. thrash metal.” Ironic, given most the album is throwback German thrash metal.

In fact, in a recent interview with Metal Maniacs, guitarist Rev. Chris Slavehunter (remember that moniker) admitted “I worship at the altar of the German gods Sodom, Destruction, Assassin, etc.” Not surprising given those influences (plus a hearty, hearty dose of Destruction) dominate Code Of Violence, the group’s third full-length since 2002 but first for Moribund. In one way this is refreshing, swapping the worn-out ’80s American thrash rejuvenation for the slightly less acknowledged, but no less important German handprint in the genesis of thrash. (Both Kreator and Destruction have (will in Kreator’s case) released surprisingly solid new albums recently.)

But while Code Of Violence is a pretty solid death thrash record, it’s tough to endorse given Slavehunter’s alleged ties to the white-power movement (though we do fully endorse Chas Schoals’ former band Summon). Look up Nocturnal Fear in Encyclopaedia Metallum and you’ll notice Slavehunter is also referred to as Pist Chris of Angry Aryans. Google Angry Aryans and you’ll find, indeed, it existed and, as you might imagine, doesn’t have much nice to say about non-Caucasians.

Nothing specific sticks out in Code Of Violence as racially hate mongering – songs like the title track, “Skull Splitter,” and “Out For Revenge” merely seem like good ol’, violent, hatred for the human race in general. Despising mankind for its general stupidity is metal. Despising a man for his skin color is ignorant.

Make sure you get to Metal Shaker early enough to see locals Deadnight. The group’s stage presence is still a work in progress, but its blackened thrash is soul-shriveling.

Vicious Attack and Evil Incarnate also play.

— Trevor Fisher

Click here to download Nocturnal Fear’s “Code Of Violence.”

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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  1. Nocturnal Fear play ugly music for ugly people, this is not g rated metal with lyrics for 3rd graders. Harmony and unity are great subject matter for hardcore bands but a true metal band like nocturnal fear see the “human” race for what it is. War is in our blood-they dont glorify violence but it is a never ending source for lyrical subject matter and it totally lends iself to the sound of brutal metal. In conclusion if u want peace & love listen to hardcore which rips off the metal sound-want the real deal? Nocturnal Fear is waiting for you, come n get it.