Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Bigelf reviewed

| August 20, 2008

Cheat The Gallows


Bigelf’s cup runneth over with bombast. Their overzealous ode to big-top rock might not be very original, but it’ll overpower you in the end.

Cheat The Gallows is a lot like Scatterbrain’s twisted “Down With The Ship,” only 50 minutes longer. It also won’t take off its chest-hairiest Freddie Mercury unitard, even after everyone has fled. Cyclonic big-rock licks abound (lifted with a grin from Diamond Head, Aerosmith, and Kiss) and, thematically, no bigheaded space rock trademark is overlooked. “Gravest Show On Earth” pulls the curtain back on blinding glitz, but, in tandem with the CD’s loudness issues, there’s little payoff when an album plays as consistently volumnous as this one. The idea of an ELO/Monster Magnet hydra only goes so far when every square-inch of tape is maxxed out. Moving over to You Tube, Bigelf gain traction with a visual dimension — they need it. Their portion of the audio medium is played out.


— Steve Forstneger

Click here to download “Madhatter” from 2003’s Hex.

Category: Spins, Weekly

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