Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Tilly And The Wall preview

| July 30, 2008

Tilly And The Wall
Abbey Pub, Chicago
Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Garth Algar, standing over our shoulder while we read the newest Tilly And The Wall press release, declared, as he once did on the set of “Wayne’s World”: “We fear change.” He needn’t.

Over two albums, the Nebaskans’ sunshiny indie pop clicked and popped like the group’s de facto drummer, tap dancer Jamie Pressnall. Despite intentions to move in “another” direction and draw on all manner of weighty themes, Tilly And The Wall’s untitled summer album sounds as it should: a party. It’s also something of a radio sampler, adding to their campy addictiveness whether aping The Beach Boys (“Alligator Skin”), Sleater-Kinney (“Too Excited”), The 1900s (“Blood Flower”), Mates Of State (“Poor Man’s Ice Cream”), or The Runaways (“Pot Kettle Black”). There’s no reason to miss Luscious Jackson anymore; “change” is so hip this year.

The Ruby Suns, Star, and Bart Davenport open.

Steve Forstneger

Click here to download “Pot Kettle Black.”

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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