Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Joan Jett And The Blackhearts live!

| July 9, 2008

Joan Jett And The Blackhearts
Rib-Fest, Naperville
Saturday, July 5, 2008


At nearly 50, Joan Jett can be considered a rock ‘n’ roll cougar.

Taking the stage at Naperville’s Rib-Fest Saturday night, the gum-chewing, leather-clad rocker cranked out a P.G. show that touched on all the old standbys. Slipping in a few new songs and touting a new disc, Sinner, she generally looked like she was having a good time.

Playing before a mostly low-key suburban crowd isn’t the rock tours of the ’80s, but many there weren’t even born when “I Love Rock ‘N Roll” topped the charts in 1981. Saturday’s crowd had the usual first couple of rows of hardcore fans. And yes, there was the representative group of black-leather bikers in bandannas to complement the Blackhearts’ dark garb. But the balance was a mix of blanket-lying, kid-towing, lawn-chair-sitting suburbanites munching on ribs.

For Jett, the bad-girl image of her screaming guitar while strutting on top of a bar is gone. When red Gatorade replaces the adult beverage of choice on stage, well, you know, it just doesn’t look the same. Throughout the show, her guitar skills were never in question. The Blackhearts did well to complement her, pounding out a live show that sounded as good as a studio album.

Lean and buffed, she has weathered the many years on the road just fine. In fact, cover up a few of the arm tats, toss on a pair of shorts, and I’d bet she could walk into any Starbucks in Naperville and blend right in.

— Brian Ormiston

Category: Live Reviews, Weekly

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  1. tracy monti says:

    I just read your Joan Jett review and need to tell you a few thing
    Your first sentence was Joan Jett is nearly 50 and can be considered a cougar
    It should of read Joan is nearly 50 and should be considered a legend
    Joan is not out chasing young men
    She works so so hard-harder then any man I know and doesnt get respect because of people like you-I was at this show and have seen Joan over 50 times this was one of the best-
    Your remark of she genreally looked happy-what was that supposed to be?
    She loves her job and her rock and roll-so she is happy
    as for her on a bar
    Joan Jett has never played on a bar-so Im not sure what your talking about -again
    And drinking gatorade
    Yea -she takes care of herself and looks younger than alot of the overweight subarban concert reviewers in Naperville
    Also the crowd was amazing and huge they may have went to see i love rock n roll
    but she won them over EVERYONE was on their feet
    so maybe you were so far in back w/ people laying on blankets, eating ribs
    Next time you review something know your subject inside and out so you know what they have done in their lives
    Your probably just upset that cougar wasnt trying to f–k you!!!!!-Tracy Monti

  2. DWKane says:

    Joan looks and sounds absolutely amazing. “Sinner” has been out for about 2 years, so while it may be her latest I wouldn’t exactly call it new.

    I agree with Tracy that Jett is a legend. She never has gotten the respect or recognition she deserves. The fact that Madonna is in the Rock ‘N Roll Hall of Fame and Joan isn’t is apalling.

    As for Joan playing on a bar I think Brian is refering to the “I Love Rock ‘N Roll” video. At the end of the video Joan is paying on top of a bar with the crowd pumping their fists and singing along.

    Keep rockin’ Joan – and hurry up with another disc of new material.


  3. tracy monti says:

    I know Brian is talking about the video
    My point was that when Joan was”strutting” on a bar in a video she was 22 years old
    Shes 50 now
    He shouldnt of said things about such a long time ago
    Is he still playing w/ Heman dolls?

  4. Deborah Dallasina says:

    How do you have any spare time to post comments? You, totally, sound like a stalker and I would think that would be very time-consuming. That and updating your Joan Jett fan club bio………Get a life or perhaps anti-depressants on a regular schedule would help. Sound like you are the one that wants to get physical with Joan Jett. Just an opinion with which I’m sure you will not agree.
    D. Dallasina

  5. joHN bRADLEY says:


  6. tracy monti says:

    As a woman I would think you would’ve been a little more sensitive as to what I was saying
    But you’re probably from the suburbs w/ a little small closed mind
    It’s cool
    And YOU ARE SO SO CORRECT I WOULD LOVE TO “GET PHYSICAL”-(strange choice of words) W/ JOAN JETT a fantasy of mine for a very long time-I’m turned on just thinking about it
    Thanks for the chills!!!!!!

  7. Deborah Dallasina says:


  8. Billy Smith says:

    Who gives crap about an aging rock singer with one hit. She looks like grim death.

  9. KitChicago says:

    Billy–grim death? That’s a little much, don’t you think? Maybe it’s the lighting or the photos need touch ups. But for the record, Joan has a lot more than one hit..and she looks amazing for her age. Post your pics so we can rate you. :-)

  10. Johhna Treins says:

    Tracy should be the lat person in the world to throw overweight people under the bus. Yes she needs to get a life and make her own way legally. Ticket scalping is not a reputable living. Joan may like you but she doesn’t know the real you.