Sanawon record release
Beat Kitchen, Chicago
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Nothing rallies people around a cause quite like music. Of course, you have to sometimes wonder if folks truly cared about famine relief in Africa, or if they just really wanted to see Freddie Mercury prance around on stage at the original Live Aid. Surely, Boomtown Rats couldn’t have been the cause for all the commotion.
Chicago’s Sanawon is throwing a party to highlight distinctly different causes, with the subtext of celebrating the release of album number two, Bonfire Night (Ona). All of the proceeds from the evening go to The Chicago Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation, an organization close to frontwoman/longtime activist Jenny Choi’s heart – she also sits on the board. (Last but not least, Choi celebrates her 30th birthday as well, and is bringing along the cupcakes and champagne to toast the milestone.)
Bonfire Night spends its 10 tracks plowing through the plight of women. “Things Fall Apart” lets a shadow of menace simmer beneath the surface while an unending circle of resignation courses through “The Past May Repeat.” “May Or May Not” upends Choi’s dainty vocals with an annoying barrage of distortion when not breaking for the haunting audio excerpt of Charles Bukowski’s “The Genius Of The Crowd.”
Here, women don’t roar as much as state their case.
Mike Kinsella and Beauty Shop open.
— Janine Schaults
Click here to download “Count To Ten.”
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly