Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Ari Hest Toasts Your Health

| April 23, 2008

Music Inspires Health Tour

Ari Hest will guest at Northwestern’s Pick-Staiger Concert Hall as part of the Music Inspires Heath — National Health Education Tour.


Though we aren’t told how specifically the tour adheres to its mission, we can tell you it’s a combination musical performance and short-film festival using sequences shot by “young Hollywood directors.” The idea is to build awareness for “behavior-related health threats,” an umbrella that covers STDs, smoking, exercise, depression, and nutrition — no sun-tanning?

What’s more interesting is the tour moves without the musicians. Other cities have welcomed Ingrid Michaelson, Ben Kweller, Toby Lightman, and Trey Songz — Saturday’s event includes April Smith and The Great Picture Show. For more information, visit

Steve Forstneger

Category: News, Weekly

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