Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Mer preview

| December 19, 2007

Cubby Bear, Chicago
Friday, December 28, 2007


Mer infuses a jazzy flair into the worn out genre of college rock. Like the O.A.R. of past (before they started purposefully writing radio singles), Edmer Abante — the man behind the pseudonym — breezily sings about unrequited love and relationships in an upbeat, bouncy tempo that frat guys won’t feel ashamed to admit liking.

On Mer’s latest self-release, Hand Written, the singer-songwriter/guitarist provides the soundtrack to any bar hopping night — funky enough to keep spirits up and non-invasive enough to let conversations flow freely.

Prone to performing sans band as well as with a full backing ensemble, the Chicago-based Mer would fall into the category of forgettable, albeit pleasant, background noise if not for Abante’s versatile musicianship and vocal style. “All I Want” hops along with vigor, while “Seduce You” aims to take a cue from the John Butler Trio’s distinctive blend of funk and folk. The songs tend to run into each other without much to signify a drastic change in tune or tempo, but Hand Written finds this 10-year veteran of the city’s music scene perfectly situated in his niche.

Mer performs as part of a triple bill sponsored by Richard Milne’s Local Anesthetic on WXRT-FM 93.1, along with “America’s Next Top Model” moll Sarah Vonderhaar and Alex Hoffer.

— Janine Schaults

Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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