Coyote Bones preview
Coyote Bones
The Note, Chicago
Saturday, May 12, 2007

Coyote Bones, the recording pseudonym for former Jet By Day members David Matysiak and Mason Brown, went with a gimmick for their debut album, and now must translate “on the road” to the road.
Scheduled for release at the end of the month, Gentleman On The Rocks could be a valued member of the gonzo school of recording (if found-sound experts hadn’t already cornered the market), such was its conception’s spontaneity. Matysiak and Brown’s eureka moment led them to embark on a road trip that would result in a mixtape, not have one from the outset. So they set sail from Athens, Georgia after recording the album’s first three songs with Andy Lemaster.
Meeting up with close friends in Omaha, Matysiak quickly ended the trip by setting up camp there. Brown returned to Atlanta and the duo completed the record miles apart. Some of its indie-rockin’ goodness were overseen by The Faint’s Joel Peterson, and features such Omaha characters as Orenda Fink and Maria Taylor (Azure Ray), Nick White (Tilly And The Wall, Bright Eyes), Ryan Fox (The Good Life), and Matt Baum (Desaparecidos). Gentleman features such disparate sounds as dogs barking and bathroom acoustics.
The music more or less mirrors the Omaha/Saddle Creek scene (if a common thread can be supposed), which really means you can hear whichever of those bands you want to hear. But live you’ll get to hear them as Matysiak and Brown originally intended, and you won’t have to spend 18 hours in a van to do it.
The Poison Control Center, Arwin, and Will Phalen open.
— Steve Forstneger
Click here to download “Living Breathing Demons.”
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly
Good show, the Poison Control Center was amazing!