Bless The Fall preview
Bless The Fall
Mojo’s Coffee House, Orland Park
Wednesday, May 16, 2007

If metalcore really is dead or dying, nobody told Bless The Fall.
Or, maybe they just don’t care. Heck, they landed a spot on this summer’s Vans Warped Tour, where they’ll spend the entire tour (many Warped acts come in and out of the schedule) on the Smartpunk Stage. The Phoenix band also has a spot secured on a short upcoming tour with Protest The Hero and All That Remains, so screw us for that snide opening remark, huh?
Let’s rephrase: If metalcore is indeed dying, or at least needs help, Bless The Fall don’t appear to be its saviors. The only thing BTF do on their full-length debut, His Last Walk, to separate themselves from any other band of twiggy dudes wearing lady Levis and T-shirts three times too small is occasionally switch up their chunk-a-chunk riffing, throat-grating screaming, and wimpy vibe for melody, singing (frontman “Craigafer” totally bites AFI’s Davey Havok when he sings), and an extra wimpy vibe. Otherwise His Last Walk is easily interchangeable with all the acts screaming God knows what (though in BTF’s, it actually is God) you’re sure to mistake them for.
Four Letter Lie also play.
– Trevor Fisher
Click here to listen to streaming samples of Bless The Fall.
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly
heii guys i love ur music i feel ok…
i lov the letters of your songs :)
i want to have the mail of somebody of the band for some questions n_n
thanks for the time!!!
good bye
i hope that someday come to cancun quintana roo
just one time plis
bonita musica aunque demasiados gritos