Corrina Repp Reviewed
Corrina Repp
The Absent And The Distant
(Caldo Verde)

If anyone belongs on tour with ex-Red House Painter Mark Kozelek, it’s stark rumbler Corrina Repp. As it stands, she’s the only other artist on his label.
You could imagine someone like Fiona Apple writing Repp’s The Absent And The Distant, but it was Repp who dug into her innards to craft it into a captivating arrangement of pure desperation. Spinning the impish nymph genre on its head, her third album is alternately sweet and disobedient, admiring of its pop influences yet ready for a little rock deicide. The challenging “Anyone’s It” funnels some migraine feedback over the tinkling tones of a lullaby xylophone. But Repp isn’t simply a lo-fi moaner — Cat Power and Nina Nastasia already own the chair — opener “Song For The Sinking Ship” is making some film sad it’s not its score; she flashes the ability to be modestly soulful on “Safe Place In The World”; and completely deconstructs love with a weakly palpitating mellotron on “I’ll Walk You Out.”
— Steve Forstneger
Appearing: Thursday, October 5th at Black Orchid in Chicago.
Click here to download “I’ll Walk You Out.”