Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Eat Books For Cutie

| August 16, 2006

826Chicago is hosting a reading fundraiser featuring Death Cab For Cutie’s Ben Gibbard and NPR superstar Ira Glass.

On Thursday, August 24th at the Park West, Gibbard, Glass, John Roderick (The Long Winters), and authors Dave Eggers and ZZ Packer will conspire behind the mashups of all mashups, literature with music, to benefit 826Chicago. The non-profit organization is a children’s writing center dedicated to supporting school-age kids with creative and expository writing endeavors, and also to encourage writing in school atmospheres.

Dubbed “Revenge Of The Book Eaters” — fitting, given the horrible name of Gibbard’s Top-40 band — the events are also taking place August 23rd in New York (with Jon Stewart, Sufjan Stevens, and David Byrne), August 26th in Los Angeles (with Andy Richter, Jenny Lewis, Aimee Mann, and Mountain Goats), and August 28th in San Francisco (with Mann, Jonathan Richman, and Mark Kozelek). Tickets for the Park West are $35 ($100 for VIP) and available through Ticketmaster; all proceeds will benefit 826.

— Steve Forstneger (

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