Daughters Review
Hell Songs
(Hydra Head)
It’s a shame “extreme” has been co-opted by ESPN, Mountain Dew, and other mainstream entities, because the word really goes for bands like Rhode Island’s Daughters.

Tumbling out of the gate, Hell Songs quickly detours after “Daughters Spelled Wrong” into a frenzied tussle on the aptly named “Fiery.” From there, Daughters stir a protean stew of technical atonality and jilted post punk. Freakish double bass, alien melodies, and maniacally slobbered vocals burst like your (old) answering machine chewing the cassette, and when your innards aren’t completely flayed they’re gang raped by a troop of marmosets — if you’re into that sort of thing.
— Kevin Keegan
Appearing: August 22nd at Beat Kitchen in Chicago.