A Change Of Pace reviewed
A Change Of Pace
Prepare The Masses
An energetic, if bloated pop punk album from Arizona quartet.

I have no idea what the music scene in Peoria, Illinois is like, much less Peoria, Arizona, but the latter certainly isn’t some highly idealistic punk rock enclave. While the ferocity and gang vocals are there on A Change Of Pace’s Prepare The Masses, so are a number of cringeworthy schlock rock tricks. Case in point is “White Lines And Lipstick,” which is littered with dressed-up drum fills even Tommy Lee would have trouble justifying, and extended guitar solo workouts. Elsewhere there are handclaps (“Take Care”), and the deadly combo of a passing airliner and vocoder (as in Cher’s “Do You Believe In Love”) on the preening “I’m Alive.” There’s no law saying you must adhere to punk ideology if you’re going to play its music, and A Change Of Pace are well within their rights. But pandering of this degree doesn’t cater to any demographic, no matter how low its standards.
— Kevin Keegan