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It’s Never Been Like That

Commercially borne of the surge of French pop in Air’s wake, Phoenix’s latest is easily their best.
This, Phoenix’s third album, is almost a repudiation of the sounds that initially gained them interest and ostensibly a recording contract. Dropping the fluffy, Europop melodies that demanded French-born, cheesy American pop devotion, It’s Never Been Like That is a literal title for blatantly heretical Anglophilia. Brimming with life in exuberant power pop numbers like “Consolation Prizes,” “Rally,” and “Courtesy Laughs,” Phoenix could go toe-to-toe with Shout Out Louds in the wide-eyed, child-like championships. Hints of former guitar/synth concoctions return in “Long Distance Call,” yet in this context it’s a boon, not a bane.
— Steve Forstneger
Click here for a Real Audio sample of “Long Distance Call.”