Kathy? A Go-Go?
Kathy Valentine
Schubas, Chicago
Saturday, May 6, 2006
Former Go-Go Kathy Valentine comes to Chicago with Blondie’s Clem Burke, the Bangles’ Abby Travis, and Jason DeCorse of Lo Mass Republic.

Valentine makes her self-released, solo debut not only with her vocals, but also by swapping her bass for lead guitar. Like The Go-Go’s 2001 reunion, Light Years, packs more of a punch than even loyal fans could’ve imagined, getting solid support from Burke (Valentine’s singing recalls Deborah Harry), Ace Frehley, Pete Thomas of The Attractions, and Gilby Clarke from Guns N’ Roses. The self-described “Texas rocker chick at heart” mainly plays loud and fast here, which may be why she chose to cover “Guitar, Talk, Love & Drums.” Valentine also frequently overdubbed her vocals, which creates a girl group sound. “Creation Myth” stands out with its slinking bass, hip-hop rhythms, and anti-religious lyrics. The psychedelic “Happy Endingless” and “Until Then,” a cautionary tale about making the most of life, are the only slow tracks. Otherwise, Valentine rocks out consistently.
The Ladies & Gentlemen open.
— Terrence Flamm
Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly