Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Fall Out Boy Q&A

| April 28, 2006

Hello, My Name Is Patrick
Q&A with Fall Out Boy’s Patrick Stump

IE: We last talked to you guys before From Under The Cork Tree came out, and we heard Fall Out Boy have done pretty well. When do the solo albums come out?
Patrick Stump:
I know you’re joking, but I’ve gotten that question seriously before, or they’ll ask us who we want to collaborate with, and it’s like, ‘I don’t know. There’s four of us . . . I kind of like playing with these dudes.’ There’s Juelz Santana, Ne-Yo. He’s writing some stuff right now. We could all get together and have a pow-wow.

IE: Are there ways you’ve recognized you can use your power for good?
Now we’re in arenas and girls assume it’s the right time and place to show their breasts. That’s not what we’re into. I mean, we’re into breasts, they’re great and all, but it’s one of those things where we have enough respect for our audience and ourselves not to be interested in people being naked or stupid at our shows.

IE: Well, you have experience coming from hardcore shows where there’s that one guy who’s not into the music and just wants to kick some ass.
Right. That guy comes to Fall Out Boy shows still and we have just as much sympathy for him now as we did then.

IE: If you could take someone else’s role in the band, whose would it be?
I like singing a lot, but I don’t like being out front. I just like the physical act of singing. So, for that respect I’d kind of like to be a drummer again — that’s what I started out doing. So maybe I’d trade with Andy [Hurley]. Andy’s got a nice little voice.

IE: Are you still just a boy from the North Shore with a dream?
Totally. I live in Glenview still and it’s the same old story altogether. It’s funny we’re doing this, because I always pick up IE whenever I’m at Guitar Center.

IE: Oh, um, now that we know that, we’ll try not to make fun of you guys as much.
Please. I will end up reading it.

Fall Out Boy return to the UIC Pavilion on May 15th as headliners of The Black Clouds & Underdogs Tour with All-American Rejects.

Category: Columns, File, Monthly

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Comments (76)

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  1. Brie Wright says:

    Hey, first of all, I totally love you Patrick! Second, I love that you still live in your hometown and didn’t go packing your bags and heading for LA. It shows that you’re not afraid of where you’re from. I’ll definitely try to hunt you down now when I’m in the neighborhood this week. Don’t worry. Kidding.

  2. whizzer424 says:

    Fall Out Boy has literally saved my life many times.

    If they end up reading these comments, i just wanted to say thank you.

  3. oh wow patrick i love you to pieces even more (if that’s possible)!! but hey whatever if you guys do end up reading this i wanted to say thanx because your music is literally a lifeline i dont know where id be without you guys. Ive been going through alot of hardships and my friend was like here listen to this shit its all your emo crap and i fell in love with you guys and i support 150 percent just do me a favor and keep writing more kickass music because im not the only fan whos being kept alive by you guys

  4. alicia says:

    i love you. forever patrick.

  5. Sara McKay says:

    Hey. Patrick, I love you! I was at your May 4th concert at Mariweather post pavilion! The concert was awesome!!! I listen to FOB every day of my life…not like I’m upsessed. lol. Just wanted to say that I love Patrick, Pete, Andy and Joe. Mostly Patrick.


  6. Ashley says:

    omg i went to the may 15th show in chicago…frick it was seriously the best thing i have ever been too im pretty such its gonna top everything else to ever happen in my life… frick i love the music and the guys… especially PETE AND PAT!!!!!! AHHHH hotties

  7. TabathaOster says:

    Awesome blog. Peace out until next time TabathaOster

  8. emma woppo says:

    haiii patrick i think your music is awesome and your music videos are great to you guys are so cool and your my favorate band and i think u n pete are really funny! bye x

  9. shelbie johnson says:

    hey patrick,i luv u so much.just like that other girl said,u’r my lifeline.
    u’r really,really,really,& 1 more really, keep maken’ that kick-ass music!

  10. shelbie johnson says:

    hey patrick, will u e-mail me@…please?

  11. nicole says:

    het i love y’alll and can’t wait to see you again!

  12. emily says:

    i saw u guys twice and it was great both times!!!! i was in the pit which made it a million times better because i was really close and i dont think i could ever be in a seat at any concert again cuz the pit it GREAT. HOW can u sit at 1 of ur concerts? YOU CANT! haha … ALLthe bands were great but i really love u guys and FFTL

  13. Katie says:

    Wow the lack of correct grammar in these comments is almost too much. Well I just wanted to say I love FOB! This band is a lifesafer! xx00

  14. kylee says:

    i love you guys so much. (especially patrick)i think i got your sn, (not that im stalker-ish in any way)lol, and i think you blocked me, like, 7 times. was that really you?

    i love all of you alot and i want to bring cookies to the next show i go to but i will probably forget so… yeah. good luck at the next show, wherever it is.

  15. kylee says:

    p.s. you hugged me at the meet n greet in Grand Prarie (i was the 13 year old with the long, curly brown hair) and i couldnt breathe. just letting you know.

    and i talked really softly in a mumbly voice and i want to let you know that im not that retarded.

  16. megan says:

    i love you guys.i would soo kill myself if anything ever happend to you!

  17. p.s. hope you guys read this

  18. kylie says:

    ello!i just want 2 say somethings.1.HI IM KYLIE AND I LIKE MUFFINS!2.patrick stump is hott!3.umm……….i forgotted what i was going 2 say.

  19. stace says:

    FOB is an amazing band. I’ve been listening to you guys not as long as some fans, but a pretty long time and I’m surprised that I’m not sick of your music yet. Your music has definitely gotten me through some things and Patrick has the greatest voice of all time. That’s all I can really think to type right now. Sorry if I sounded totally out of it.

  20. fish says:

    hello patrick,
    im a big fan of falloutboy n absolutly love you and pete!!

  21. fish says:

    ive saw u loads and loads and stood right by pete !! he looked soooooo cute!! lv yas!¬! (andy is ugly)
    hope ur all ok talk soon
    lv yas

  22. TaraBoBerra says:

    i just want you to know that fall out boy has ruined my life. now, i can’t even listen to any other music, because it’s not fall out boy. the singer’s voice is crap in comparison to patrick’s, the lyrics are trite and shallow compared to petes… the music doesn’t have that special spark, or life that fall out boy’s has. so they’ve ruined my life, and i’m addicted/obsessed, but you know what? i wouldn’t have it any other way. thank you soooooo much and i love you guys to death!!!

    ((especially andy and joe, they’re awesome guys and they don’t get the credit they deserve, although i do love patrick and peter too =]))

  23. chelsea says:

    hi do you have a screen name yall fall out boy is so asome i wont to marrie the band
    love bye

  24. samantha macnaughton says:

    i luv fall out boy!!!!!!!!!!!!….they rock…..pete…u r sooooooooooooooooooo hot!!!…..(peter panda)…patrick… also hot!!!….(stumpy)…joe…hot… (run forman run)…andy…i just dont know bout u…ur a hard person to figur out…but i luv u all!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. chelsea says:

    Hi. Just wanted to say ever since i’ve been listening to fall out boy -i’ve really wanted to meet patrick – he is so cool, lucky and hot – and pete is also – he is funny in many ways. Joseph is way too hyper and eh!! Andrew is awsome, and lucky he gets to play the drums.

  26. Jamie Wentz/Stump says:

    Yo yo yo hey hey hey you guys rock I love yooooo! Jamie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  27. katie says:

    I wish Patrick could actually talk to me – *crys*

  28. Emilie says:

    i actually just started being a fan. When i first heard ‘Sugar We’re going Down’ i swear i heard angels! i know that sounds a little obsessive but its true. You guys have saved me and a number of others from going over to the dark side if you catch my drift *wink wink* um..thats it…oh and patrick! I LOVE YOU! haha but i do love all of you guys equally. Patricks just hot as all of you are talented!

  29. Emilie says:

    oh and by the way, please let me know if youre playing any shows in the hudson valley area. ive never been to a concert before…i know im deprived. maybe you guys can convince her to let me go! again- i love you guys!

  30. kathia says:

    hi patrick you rock

  31. kathia says:

    hi i want to be your friend
    please choose me thank you

  32. Robyn says:


  33. Angel says:

    Im glad that you guys have respect for women and that your not afraid of who u r. Thanx Patrick. If you ever read this plz tell the guys Angel Snider said HI.

  34. One of the biggest FOB fans ever here. I know just about everything about fall out boy and patrick. the: (That’s not what we’re into. I mean, we’re into breasts, they’re great and all) part made me laugh. I totally respect the fact that they can look over those stupid girls at shows and pay attention to the real fans. And oh, im still dying to see Patrick beat it up on the drums. It’s one of the many FOB things i have yet to see. Please show soon!

  35. estefany says:

    este chico me parece muy lindo… me facina cuando canta. Le deceo mucho exito. De su fanz numero 1 de Chile.

  36. katherine says:

    fall out boy totally rocks…you guys came out to oklahoma city back in december of 05 guys rocked…\m/…oh patrick your so hott…just thought id i don’t wanna sound like one of those obsessed fans..if you know what i mean…well anyways you guys should come back to oklahoma city…but anyways im out…i’ll come back and leave a comment later…later

  37. matthew says:


  38. matthew says:

    {Edited by moderator}

  39. Kelly Parkes says:

    Patrick I love yoo to bits you are a mint singa and your so hot! congrats on the best video award you won i watched it coz you was on it.! love you so much…your no.1 fan x-kelly-x

  40. Kelly Parkes says:

    you are the best patrick i love you so much your so gorgeous!!!!!

  41. Kelly Parkes says:

    o yeah and your band totaly rocks! im learning all the words to your album! patrick your the best!

  42. Cyndi says:

    Hey Patrick. I wanna make you remember me!!
    {Edited by moderator}

  43. vikki says:

    i know im all late and crap
    shut up. lmao
    my goodness
    patrick is even cuter than he was 5 mintues ago!
    and i didnt think that was possible
    [[insert high pitched squeal here]]

  44. Caty says:

    Hey Patrick! ur like my fav in the band. I just wanted u 2 no that u guys r really cool and awesome in an indescribable way! i cant listen to anything non Fall Out Boy anymore! Oh and Patrick, you look cuter when u smile. :)

  45. Caty says:

    Ya im talkin again, My fav songs r Of All The Gin Joints In All The World & Sugar We’re Goin’ Down.
    P.S. the last message was not “ur hot!” i just meant that smiling makes people look better so smile often. :D not that ur not cute already lol.

  46. Raymond Sanchez says:

    Patrick I just wanted to asy that I love you! Your music is so real and is inspiring to me. I love you and you all rock!!!

  47. hannah says:

    hey i dont no if you read there but i have to say pete wentz is sxc and you guy are awsum go you Mwah hannah

  48. Amy Boxell says:

    Ever since I heard the songs Dance, Dance and Sugar We’re Goin Down, I knew I’d like the other songs. It was true. I got one of your cds and I do like all of the songs. It was From Under the Cork Tree. I LOVE THAT CD!!!
    Patrick, please e-mail me at

  49. ash says:

    patrick you have four guys with you how do you stand it?i mean i have aband but i can’t stand when their fighting when we go on tour i just hate it and it bad as it is that two of my band members are married to each other and have 12 kids. i don’t know what to do any more, i think all just quit my dream as becoming a singer even though i please tell me

    what i can do to save my band?

  50. Monty says:

    Hay Patrick
    even if u not reading thisilike to say thanx for the music its awsome!!!!! hopefullyi c uion conert 4my b day !!! oh just to say tell pete thatmonty thinks he is cute no matter what my mates say what he has done xxxx

    Rock On dudes