Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Racket balls

| February 1, 2006

Some Girls
Heaven’s Pregnant Teens

Is there a therapist in the house? The guys in Some Girls could really use some attention right now.

Admitting “We wanted to brutalize people and have each song punch people in the face and not let up,” Sal Gallegos outs Some Girls as a juvenile prank. The trouble with Heaven’s Pregnant Teens is not how unbearable it is, but how easy it is to ignore. Even the band get bored with their constant thrashing about with a Mudhoneyish cover of Public Image Ltd’s “Religion II” and 9th grade song titles such as “Warm Milk,” “Hot Piss,” “Retard And Feathered,” and the title track. At less than 25 minutes, it’s one of the easiest beatings you’ll ever take.

Kevin Keegan

Appearing: February 9 at Beat Kitchen in Chicago with Tower Of Rome and Get Rad!

Category: Spins, Weekly

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