Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Cross Examined

| February 15, 2006


If P.O.D. think they can hang their hats on the Christian thing, they’re gonna have to be a little more honest when they testify. They say nothing new on their fifth.

There’s not much to say about Testify that hasn’t been outlined in album reviews from nu metal refugees since about ’98. Their faith flag flies in the numerous inspirational anthems, all of which feature at least one lyric proving the absence of mirrors in the P.O.D. household (“When will we sing a new song?” “Lights out! The game is over!”). Progress rears its head on “This Time,” borrowing a page or two from The Edge school of slapback echo, and Karate Kid enthusiasts will embrace repeated cries of “Sweep the leg!” in “Mistakes & Glories.” Two potentially risky moves — duets with Matisyahu and Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. — are played completely safe, however, and might fair well as singles, but signposts they are not. Working with hit guru Glen Ballard is.


Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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