Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Merchant Of Tennis

| February 15, 2006

Jeff Merchant
Window Rolled Down
(True Classical)

Indie pop singer-songwriter either thinks this is funny, or he’s Donovan.

It’s not everyday you hear horse hooves in your gypsy pop, nor some beyond-allegorical hijacking of “Li’l Miss Riding Hood.” The immediate reaction is Merchant’s friends are assholes who’ll go to any length, including the production of a full pop album, for a practical joke. “Landlord Song” arrives and you’re making sure not to step on the dwarves and their 12-inch Stonehenge. What is this? Gawd, who knows? It doesn’t seem to be a joke. Straight-faced and full of whimsy, it takes imagination, but you’ll get there: “Good lady! I’ve come to slay the griffin!”


Kevin Keegan

Click here to download a sample of “Li’l Miss Riding Hood.”

Category: Spins, Weekly

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  1. Windows users who have problems with the above link should go to this corrected link instead:

    To hear more song samples go to this page:

    And you can hear the entire song on myspace: