Revenge Is Sour
She Wants Revenge
She Wants Revenge
Apparently Geffen Records has instituted a new Interpolicy.

The first time I came across a 66th track was on Danzig 4, released when I was 17, about the time bands started fooling with the parameters of digital media and hiding things. It was a crucial point in Glenn Danzig’s career, one where he ultimately said goodbye to his Satanic in-joke and embraced the persona humorlessly. Coinciding with his MTV breakthrough, the hidden number was sadistically terrifying in 1994, ridiculous now.
She Wants Revenge have a much slimmer framework to jostle within. Anyone who has heard the groaning by now knows SWR make no secret of their fondness for Joy Division acolytes Interpol, down to the timbre of Interpol singer Paul Banks’ melodies. Possibly worse than the Killers/Bravery thumbwrestling from a year ago, Geffen’s tardiness with SWR has a brashness that goes well with this album’s $5.99 price buster tag at Circuit City. Ending on track 66 can only be deduced as a reference to the devil, but he’s not present here. When souls are sold to ol’ Lucifer, he does more than supply tracing paper.
— Kevin Keegan
Albeit at first glance, SWR have a similar sound to Interpol and Joy Division. However, there is some good songwriting in the background. These Things, Tear You Apart and Out of Control all have seriously catchy hooks. This band is by far my fav of the new wave/old wave genre. Their live show tight and polished as well.