Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Do The Hussle

| January 4, 2006

Tony Hussle
Sexy, Freaky, Electric

The biggest problem with P-Funk and Prince is their offspring: you don’t know who’s cheating and who’s genuinely funked in the head.

Then there are special cases like Tony Hussle, when you can’t even tell if he knows there’s a joke at all. Dre banked on the playfulness of his forefathers, D’Angelo tossed out the irony, yet each got back what they put in. Other than mimicry, however, Tussle thinks borderline raunch is not only a ticket, but his, and ends up making a fool of himself. That Prince has been reduced to cocaine-fueled, ’80s hedonism is a betrayal perpetuated by artists such as Hussle, denying not only Prince’s depth, but his own. To Hussle, Prince is the Prince of “Sexy MF” and not “If I Was Your Girlfriend,” and Hendrix is the tongue-flicking guitarist of “Foxey Lady,” ignoring “EXP” or “Bold As Love.” If you’re into revised history and cheap sex, by all means . . .


Steve Forstneger

Category: Spins, Weekly

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