Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Hawthorne Heights

| December 1, 2005

Victory Is Ours

When Hawthorne Heights drummer Eron Bucciarelli admits touring is starting to take its toll on him, you can’t help but sympathize. After all, since his band released its Victory Records debut, The Silence In Black And White, in June 2004, free time has been scarce. That year the band had about four total weeks off; this year Bucciarelli and his bandmates (guitarists Casey Calvert and Micah Carli, bassist Matt Ridenour, and vocalist/guitarist JT Woodruff) have it a little better: the drummer estimates they will have had 60 days off by year’s end.

“It takes a toll on your personal life,” Bucciarelli says when asked about the hardships of such a grinding schedule. “Everybody in the band is in a serious relationship so it makes dealing with a relationship a lot more difficult than they normally are. A relationship, even when you are home all the time, can be tough at times so it’s definitely challenging when you are out on the road and you are unable to see that person for months at a time.”

He continues, “Family you obviously don’t get to see that much, only when you tour through that area so that’s rough. Towards the end of any tour you are just ready to get out and away from everybody. You just need a couple days breather.”

But Bucciarelli isn’t complaining. Quite the opposite, in fact. It’s the afternoon of Friday, October 28th, the second day of the Never Sleep Again tour, a cross-country jaunt headlined by Hawthorne Heights and also featuring labelmates Silverstein, Bayside, and Aiden. For Hawthorne, this tour represents the icing on the cake that has been the last 16 months. Silence has not only been certified gold, but spent more than 40 weeks on the Billboard Top 200 and upon its release broke the record Taking Back Sunday set for Victory’s highest-selling debut, selling almost 3,500 records in its first week.

In just a year and a half, this Dayton, Ohio-based band went went from opening for the openers to headlining its own bill, and that fact isn’t forgotten by Bucciarelli. “We couldn’t be more happy,” he admits. “Just to be headlining is kind of cool because we’ve never really headlined. We’ve done a couple small-market shows and no production. This is our first time with a sound guy, and a light guy — we’re trying to step it up and put on a good show. As you grow as a band there’s more expected of you and we we’re ready to step it up.”

But it only took two days following our first conversation for the happiness that Bucciarelli initially described to turn into something else completely. In the early hours of Monday, October 31st as the tour convoy was en route to Magna, Utah for only the fifth show of the tour, Bayside’s van hit a patch of ice and flipped, killing drummer John “Beatz” Holohan and injuring other crew and band members, including bassist Nick Ghanbarian, who suffered a broken back.

Because the bands have toured together so many times — at least four according to Bucciarelli — Hawthorne Heights and Bayside had become very close. Holohan’s death was especially dispiriting for the 26-year-old Bucciarelli, who says the 31-year-old Holohan was “like an older brother . . . He was definitely, in my opinion, the best drummer I’ve ever toured with and had a chance to watch first hand and hang out with,” Bucciarelli says during an interview the week after the accident. “I had so much respect for him as a musician and as a friend, and everybody else is also missing him . . . quite a bit.”

After five days off, though, the Never Sleeps Again tour resumed in Anaheim. In a few weeks Bayside vocalist Anthony Raneri and guitarist Jack O’Shea will rejoin to perform a nightly acoustic set (“I think that’s going to be really really tough on everybody,” Bucciarelli says. “I can’t imagine there being a dry eye in the crowd or among our crew.”) and those involved, including Hawthorne Heights, will try their best to move on.

And moving on for Hawthorne Heights means releasing a new record, If Only You Were Lonely, which was recorded in late summer in Hoboken, New Jersey with producer David Bendeth (Clutch, Towers Of London).

When asked to compare it to Silence, Bucciarelli is surprisingly honest. “I am definitely liking the new album a lot more than I like Silence.”

Part of that, he admits, might stem from the fact that he’s growing increasingly tired of playing those same 11 songs night after night. But more importantly, this record was recorded on the band’s own terms instead of what the producer thought was best for the sound.

Some of the techniques used by producer Sean O’Keefe (Fall Out Boy, Spitalfield), Bucciarelli says, stripped the band of the live vibe it was so eager to showcase. “With Silence our producer was a huge ProTools nerd and every single instrument they ProTool’d to death. It kind of pissed us off because we can play our instruments, but what they did with the drums, with the guitars, with the vocals, they made everything line up exactly through the click [track], and it sounds so mechanical. There is no feel anymore at that point.”

The goal with If Only You Were Lonely was to sound more like the live, raw Hawthorne Heights and less like a band chewed up and spit out by recording software. “We wanted it to sound more natural and not as overproduced and rigid,” he explains. “If I listen to Silence right now I can’t stand it because it’s so rigid, there’s no feel to it, to me it sounds lifeless.”

Music fans disagreed, though, gobbling up the record and even giving it a modest radio and MTV hit with “Ohio Is For Lovers.” While truthfully, the group’s blend of emo, pop, and hardcore isn’t much different than a lot of bands (including many of its own labelmates) making this kind of music, these five guys from Dayton have struck a chord with listeners. Enough so to warrant a fancy-pants re-release of Silence that includes bonus songs (including a track from the band’s days as A Day In The Life), a DVD stuffed with live performances and music videos, and exclusive liner notes.

When Hawthorne released Silence, it completely snuck up on people, becoming an unexpected success story — a pleasant surprise. That won’t be the case with Lonely, though. This time people are anxiously awaiting to hear what’s next. “People are obviously aware of us now, so that’s a major difference,” Bucciarelli admits. “This time it’s like, ‘Well, we liked that album so this album better be way better.’ We definitely have people’s expectations to contend with this time. It could be good or it could be bad. People can be tough.”

He’s not worrying too much, though. When a band really has no expectations, as Bucciarelli claims was the case with Hawthorne Heights, all of the awards, magazine covers, and television appearances are simply bonuses.

“It’s crazy,” he says, thinking back on the time passed since Silent‘s release. “We never thought when we were recording our album, ‘Oh we’re going to sell over 500,000 records, we’re going to be headlining tours in a year and a half, this is like, everything, the re-release, our headline tour, Warped Tour, it’s all way beyond anything we ever imagined.”

— Trevor Fisher

Category: Features, Monthly

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Comments (33)

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  1. logan says:

    there new cd is already been leaked on the internet

  2. Haley Gilmore says:

    You will always be remembered and I hope ure in a better place. I would’ve never have expected this to happen so suddenly. Best wishes for the other band members.

  3. lindsay says:

    god damn you guys are frickin awazom i love you im like your biggest fan

  4. Ashlyn says:

    OMG JT you are soo hott and I luv the band too! (but mostly JT)

  5. Ashlyn says:

    Um lidsay move over because I am their biggest fan!

  6. Ashlyn says:

    once again I LUV JT!!!!! He looks so hott in the “Ohio is 4 lovers” video. Jt if ohio is for lovers than i’ll go 2 ohio with you!

  7. Ashlyn says:

    If Ohio is for lovers than i am going to ohio with JT

  8. Danielle says:

    Hello! I’m a new fan and i just picked up my copy of Silence and looking forward to the next album

  9. beth says:

    I think that this band is the greatest band ever!!!!!!! i love them soo much!! especially jc!!!!!!!i love u guys!!!

  10. Krystal says:

    dido if ohio is 4 lovers i will deffanatly go with JT. P.S. Beth his name is JT not JC! and you call your self a Hawthorne Heights fan

  11. Haley Gilmore says:

    This is a sad loss for us all

  12. Haley Gilmore says:

    I dunno if I’ll be able to get over it. He was sucha awesome drummer and I’m sure a great friend to many people. I love you “Beatz”!

  13. Alecia says:

    What can I say that would be so different than anyone else. I love you guys. The fact that you required three guitarists adds to the sound of the songs you’ve written. I hope to hear more of it. I really don’t care to comment much on appearance like other girls do. Dude, no that’s not usually me. Someone has to agree that JT is the hottest.

  14. Haley Gilmore says:

    This is one of the most awesome bands around and there music video’s are awesome…they’ve some how have pulled through withount “Beatz”. That’s pretty amazing but anyway If anyone is as big as a fan as I am…email me at

  15. Angela says:


  16. Angela says:


  17. Amber says:

    Hey! I am a new fan to you guys b/c my Friend Angela introduced yur music to me. But now I love yur music and cant get enough of it! And she was right, Jt and Eron, you two are f***ing SEXY!!!!!!

  18. christina says:

    heyy this is such a great band! they rock
    they have so much heart to there songs…they relle kno how to rock!

  19. meghan says:

    Hey your first album was great and i am counting down to the next one. You guys are so inspiring and i hope you guys keep rocking out loud!….lol

  20. pamela says:

    the song language lesson is the BEST song ever

  21. Chet says:

    I LOVE JT!!!!! He looks so Chet in the “Ohio is 4 lovers” video. Jt if ohio is for lovers than i’ll go 2 CHET with you!

    Hey your first album was so chet and i can’t wait to chet out the next one. You guys rock so much!! I want to have your chet!!!

  22. Tanner says:

    You guys freaking rock! I hav all of your cds and they are all awsome! I just wanted to tell you how much i love your music!

  23. Tanner says:

    LONG LIVE HAWTHORNE HEIGHTS! Oh by the way JT I hope you get or got your scholorship on football! YOU GUYS ROCK!

  24. Isela says:

    Hey YOUR band rox I luv your music it’s the coolest rock band ever! Bye!

  25. shauna says:

    hey, I love ur music I am a new fan my fav song is definetly “life on standby”. I am not sure who is who yet but I love the screamer he sounds gorgeous and thats my fav part of every song when he sings! bye bye! I look forward to hearing more soon!

  26. Alex Hunter says:

    u guys rock. i love ur band. my favorite song is saying sorry that song kicks ass

  27. Chloe Bianca says:


    They are the best, I can’t stop listening to the new album on my ipod!!! U GUYS R FRIKKEN AWESOME!!!


  28. kayla A says:

    i love you guys..CASEY YOU ARE SOOO HOT,AND YOU CAN ROCK… and JT you are the best.. i love your music and “life on standby” is my FAVORITE song.. cant wait to hear more

  29. Sebbe says:

    The first time i heard one of your songs was on and you guys was f***ing awesome!! And now have i bought the albums!! And that sh*t rocks!! COME TO SWEDEN FFS!!

  30. Theresa says:

    Your songs are great!!! When I ever need something inspiring to listen to, I just put your CD on. I’m from Ohio myself, so it’s nice to know someone from my home state. Keep the music coming!!!

  31. Bede says:

    Check out all the girls commenting, where are they guys? Hahahahaahah.
    There all in the shower crying about their girlfriends…You never stop until …hahaahah

  32. Brock says:

    You guys are all posers you know Nothing about HH. I’m one of they’re biggest fans without a doubt. I can play almost all they’re songs on guitar, and I lisen to them Every day.

  33. LiZzY says:

    i absolutly LOVE you guys!!! you kick major ass!!! i went to see you when you came to springfield missouri!!! you were AWESOME