Thee More Shallows review
Thee More Shallows
More Deep Cuts

We’ve finally figured out what the Dream Police are for, and they save lives, dammit!
Dying is supposedly the lone impossibility in dreams. Death happens, just not to you (unless you begin on the outside looking in). Your own death, as far as witnessing it, is taboo even for the subconcious — the same subconscious that lets you turn the tide of World War II with modern weaponry or imagine life if your hands were your feet and your feet were webbed. But here comes rat-bastard San Francisco songwriter Dee Kesler on “House Break,” “If you stay awake in this dream/this dream you’re going to die.” Um, Dee? No. But this is the way Kesler has chosen to project his fantasies — in a contradictory state of vivid half-consciousness, legs thrashing at the sheets in a vain escape attempt. Hate to sound all Nancy Thompson and everything, but don’t go to sleep.
— Steve Forstneger
Click here to download “Freshman Thesis.”
Dee Kesler, as well as all of Thee More Shallows, are from San Francisco.
Right you are. Thanks for the catch.
— Ed
I thought they we’re from Peoria….
will they play in Peoria?