Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Tag: Kevin Lee & The Kings

Studiophile: April 2012

Studiophile: April 2012

| March 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

Scott Lucas is best known as the singer/guitarist for the two-man, Chicago rock band Local H. But recently, he has broadened his musical scope and greatly expanded his lineup, pulling together a collective of musicians

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Around Hear: July 2010

Around Hear: July 2010

| July 1, 2010 | 1 Comment

Local Band Reviews It seems only yesterday Canasta were youngsters joyfully tossing sand on the beachhead of local indie-pop. With The Fakeout, The Tease & The Breather, however, Matt Priest and Elizabeth Lindau’s band have matured not beyond recognition, but what used to be heartbroken odes to young loves lost have acquired desperation. Priest opens […]

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