Lovers Lane
Copernicus Center

Tag: Baby Teeth

Baby Teeth reviewed

Baby Teeth reviewed

| July 29, 2009 | 0 Comments

Hustle Beach (Lujo) We’ve all been there. You sit on the couch with a shit-eating grin, chuckling and guffawing away at a comedy you’ve seen a hundred times since high school while the person sitting beside you utters those infernal words, “This is stupid.” (This person who loves you?) And you say, “What are you […]

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Baby Teeth – in half!

Baby Teeth – in half!

| January 30, 2009 | 0 Comments

Baby Teeth Falling Out Examples of rock bands scattering into solo projects abound. Some of them (cough, cough, Kiss, cough) suggest one look for an alternative approach to the marketplace. Often it foretells a breakup, but in the case of a Chicago outfit like Baby Teeth, it’s like seeing what Captain Keith and Lance are […]

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