Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Photo Gallery: Beck, Cage The Elephant, Spoon and Wild Belle at Huntington Bank Pavilion at Northerly Island

| August 4, 2019

While the big dog that is Lollapalooza was doing last minute opening preparations nearby, a smaller pack of mutts were owning the city’s lakefront. Beck, Cage The Elephant, Spoon and Chicago’s own Wild Belle gave everyone a reason to show up to Day One poorly rested.

Huntington Bank Pavilion played host to this impossibly great lineup that felt like its own festival smashed into a single evening. Wild Belle’s reggae-infused songs fused beautifully with the breeze from Mother Michigan. Spoon powered their way through a career retrospective. Cage The Elephant, the pride of Bowling Green Kentucky (sorry Corvette enthusiasts), simply decimated the place and Beck reminded time an again how deep his catalogue runs. It’s often said the mutt is the best breed. On Wednesday night, it was never more true.

Words and photos by Curt Baran





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