Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Photo Gallery: Peter Murphy with David J. at Rockefeller Memorial Chapel

| February 24, 2019

Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, located on the campus of the University of Chicago, is a most spectacular example of Gothic architecture. So there simply could not have been a more perfect backdrop for a performer whose musical genre shares the same name.

Bauhaus (the band, not the art movement it took its name from) arguably created Goth Rock some four decades ago. The music had a more-black-than-black aesthetic, coupled with a funeral vibe that tapped into a subculture that was looking for its own niche. Peter Murphy, the band’s lead singer, recently hit the road (with founding Bauhaus bassist David J. in tow) to celebrate their 1980 influential debut, In The Flat Field by performing the work in its entirety. Even the cavernous, stained-glass adorned environs could not subsume Murphy’s resonating baritone during classic’s like “Bela Lugosi’s Dead,” “Stigmata Martyr” and “God In An Alcove” (all titles horror films in their own right, just waiting to be pitched to some studio exec).

At times, even the band could be seen marveling at their surroundings, with Murphy frequently looking skyward, equal parts performance showmanship and undiluted awe. For ninety glorious minutes, the soundtrack, scenery and the movie script practically wrote itself.

Recap and photos by Curt Baran

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