Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Stage Buzz: The Giving Tree Band @ Wire

| June 22, 2016

The Giving Tree Band 2016


The Giving Tree Band has turned their Yorkville “Crooked Creek” HQ into a bit of Woodstock 1967 vibe where Bob Dylan spent time jamming with The Band and everyone was living in harmony making amazing music. Though the rural/suburban Chicago vibe is probably not a Shanri-La we want it to be, The Giving Tree is the rare band that combines roots, rock and folk in harmony, environment and spirit.

Making music for over a decade – Brothers Todd and E. Fink and their current musical comrades (Norm, Z and Charlie Karls) have worn their environmental, green pedigree on their sleeve – musically and their everyday life. The band’s musical musical zenith, 2010’s The Joke, The Threat & The Obvious is full of bluegrass and Americana purity. Their new single “Glow” is layered with amazing organ and banjo work where melody and harmonies are king, and electronic beats and auto tune is left for music from another planet.

Appearing with The Cerny Brothers and Sails at WIRE – Tickets Here

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