Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Spins: The Pixies

| February 3, 2014

 Pixies 2013-2014


EP2 follows the template of last year’s EP1, sequencing four stylistically distinct, fat-free, and sharply engineered songs for maximum wallop.  But whereas on EP1 the loudest song came at the end, the loudest song on *EP2* (“Blue Eyed Hexe”) comes at the beginning.  And whereas on EP1 the prettiest song was inspired by an “Andro Queen,” the prettiest song on EP2 (“Greens And Blues”) seems to have been inspired by Frank Black’s friend, the late Jesus rocker Larry Norman.  Pixies being Pixies, of course, neither “loud” nor “pretty” means what it would ordinarily mean, not with genres meshing and mashing, Black singing with as many levels of intensity as the lyrics demand, and predictability never rearing its head.  EP3 is in the pipeline.  Here’s hoping for a hat trick.

Rating: 7 out 10

-Arsenio Orteza

The Pixies appear February 9th at the Vic Theater, Chicago

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