Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

Stage Buzz: It’s the end of the world as we know It….

| December 19, 2012

Since the Mayan calendar says the world will end at the stroke of midnight on Friday, the folks at Shock Top want “the believers” to go out with a bang with their own “Earth’s Last Stand” party (Friday@House Of Blues), featuring the X-rated, parody-metal band, Steel Panther.

Coming off their sold-out U.K. tour last month, these L.A.-based glam rockers will whip out their hilariously explicit and misogynistic lyrics (inspired by countless hair bands of the ’80s) that would make Chelsea Lately blush. Expect to hear their classics: “Death To All But Metal,” “Weenie Ride,” “If You Really Love Me, and “I Want It That Way.”

Sometimes Steel Panther blurs the line between real and Memorex (do they actually want to be Motley Crue and Poison?), but you couldn’t find a better party band to spend your last few hours on Earth with.

– John Vernon

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