Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

The Soundtrack Of Our Lives preview

| March 11, 2009

The Soundtrack Of Our Lives
Double Door, Chicago
Friday, March 13, 2009


There are 24 hours in a day, so why not 24 songs to commemorate them? That’s the thinking behind The Soundtrack Of Our Lives’ double album (unless they’re playing down a Fox tie-in).

TSOOL were so smitten with the idea they postponed the sequel to 2004’s Origin Vol. 1, but they don’t quite nail this. In a parallel universe, Communion‘s mildly psychedelic, classic rock juggernaut would be lauded for its stout album tracks and lack of filler. Unfortunately, there’s little pizzaz. Ninety minutes is a lot without shiny things to tickle the senses, save a remarkably true, yet spry cover of Nick Drake’s “Fly” and the arena-destined “Saturation Wanderers.” “Songs Of The Ocean” keens, “Babel On” pounds thunderously, and “Without Warning” is the greatest waltz My Morning Jacket never wrote. Communion (Yep Roc) is perpetually on the cusp – too bad there’s only so many hours in a day.

Outrageous Cherry and Pink Devil open.

Steve Forstneger


Category: Stage Buzz, Weekly

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