Lovers Lane
Long Live Vinyl

The Warlocks reviewed

| June 18, 2008

The Warlocks
Heavy Deavy Skull Lover
(Tee Pee)


There is hope for anemic indie pop.

Appearing: June 20th at Logan Square Auditorium.

Heavy Deavy Skull Lover offers the blissful, sweet lullabies of precious date-night music, but tries really hard to blow speakers after dimming the lights. This might be too strong of a come on. “The Valley Of Death” plunges from melodic warble (think Thom Yorke) to free-fall distortion, pitting The Warlocks against Mogwai for the title of Most Surprising Band With Stolen Band Name. The second date (“Moving Mountains”) also crumbles into loud madness, eliminating the surprise. “So Paranoid” and “Slip Beneath” find common ground in the psychedelic drug style of The Dandy Warhols, so full of jangly repetition and reverb that one might expect nudity. For that, there’s still The Dandies, but for a new kick, there’s Heavy Deavy.


Mike Meyer

Category: Spins, Weekly

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